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  • Writer's pictureZachary Epps

Nesting Eagles In Boulder Canyon

Apparently Golden Eagles are nesting in Boulder Canyon near Eagle Rock, Blob Rock, Bitty Buttress and Security Risk. This is a well known and long-established golden eagle nesting territory.

Closures affecting well-used rock climbing locations in Boulder canyon are temporarily closed which includes the above mentioned climbs about one and a half miles west of Boulder Falls.

From February 2nd through July 31st 2019 these areas will be off limits to hiking and rock climbing. However, Happy Hour, Bihedral, and Riviera are going to remain open as long as we keep out of the closed areas and respect the eagle’s space for nesting.

The U.S. Forest Service closely watches the habits and patterns of many wildlife. While Forest Service personnel aren’t certain how many eagles are in Boulder County, they are certain that one mating pair is actively using the currently closed area.

Apparently the pair varies their location each year within the general area of Boulder Canyon. The Forest Service is in the habit of closing off a larger area at first, then once the mating pair settles into a particular location, the ‘closed’ area is reduced.

Fret not climbers, besides Boulder Canyon, there’s still plenty of rock in Eldorado Canyon, and Lumpy Ridge up in Rocky Mountain National Park. While the granite on Lumpy Ridge is a little more rough on our hands, it’s not the dirty gritty sandstone down here. So, I guess it’s a trade off.

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Zachary Epps, GRI®, ABR®, MCNE®, CLHMS®, SRES®, REALTOR®,

RE/MAX Hall of Fame, RE/MAX Platinum Club

I’d seriously enjoy having the opportunity to talk to you about your plans if you’re moving, or if you know someone who is considering a move, and needs some straight answers.

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