Zachary Epps

Oct 4, 20191 min

No Physical Barriers For Bikes In Longmont

Longmont spend over a year evaluating different types of bike lanes on city streets, and much to the dismay of local Longmont cyclists, they determined that the city won't be putting in vertical posts, rails, or curbs which physically separating bike lanes from car lanes on Longmont streets. Many people are really upset about this.

However, it seems Longmont does seem to be willing to provide these types of bike lanes on higher speed and higher traffic streets.

Feels like Longmont is playing catch up with what Boulder has been doing with their streets for many years.

If you choose to ride on streets in any town, do your research, there's probably a bike lane or bike path that'll take you where you need to go without you having to ride on a busy street and risk your safety. I heard recently over 30 people have died in accidents in the last year.

Thinking about moving? Call or text me today! 303-520-0070

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Zachary Epps


RE/MAX Hall of Fame, RE/MAX Platinum Club
